Reality Undertow

Sometimes I feel as if I'm caught in a ...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

One Million Moms - Wait, what?

I'm always down to write a letter and protest when things aren't right.. so I have. Using the one million moms "protest" form, some blah-blah they had regarding ABC and "Good Christian Bitches Belles" and "you're attacking my christian faith with your show" has become this:

As a US Citizen and a NON-MEMBER of, I strongly encourage ABC and Disney STAND TRUE and CONTINUE in their plans to air the their comedic interpretation of the true to the actual actions of modern day Christian's program "Good Christian Belles." Let the ratings decide if its good enough to stay on the air.

For too long, the “loudest” Christians have held the attitude in modern society that they alone hold the supreme right as a chosen faith in the United States of America, and the world. These so called Christians have gone too far, for too long.

I am prepared to join millions of other voices in urging advertisers to continue their support of the ABC network. Please consider this a protest of the One Million Moms Anti-freedom of religion bigotry.

As a person who feels that faith should be a personal matter and should not be regulated or forced upon someone, I feel you are presenting programming that holds true to the first amendment. I look forward to hearing from you regarding my concern.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Idiots and Measure A

Thank you for raising my taxes to pay for your stupid kids. They're your kids, you should pay for them.

Renters thought it was a good idea I suppose. Well I hope the rent control board allows landlords to bill their tenants the extra money they have to spend because of this stupid measure.

When do I get a ballot measure to subsidize my responsibilities?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Amnesty And The Laws Of The Land....

When President Reagan allowed it in the 80's, he said that amnesty wouldn't happen again. Quite frankly, with the new health care bills.. this country cannot afford amnesty for illegal immigrants. As an American, I have no other home country to go to if mine goes to pot.... this is my home country!

If amnesty is granted to those that are here illegally, than what does that say to those that are doing things the legal way? Basically, you would be telling them that going through the proper immigration channels, waiting in line, taking the courses necessary and learning what it means to be an American, not to mention pledging their allegiance to this country .. is just a bunch of nonsense. Why should anyone bother to follow any laws if we don't even take them seriously?

Please, start holding the corporations that hire those not legal to work in the United States accountable. For far too long, our law makers have allowed these practices and looked the other way. This is criminal. Once again, why bother to have a policy if no one bothers to follow it?

Please Mr. President, don't sell out my country.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

An Open Letter To American Based Companies

If you care about your country, and the opportunities that it has allowed for your growth and prosperity, please invest in your own country and its peoples. Please stop moving your corporations and production plants to other countries.

I understand that often times you are looking to increase profits and reduce overhead, however by taking jobs away from the country that you yourself live in, you are preventing us from using or purchasing your products.

You say the laws and taxes make it hard to operate in (enter state here), then please work with the people of your state and your country, so that we have to opportunity to tell our law making representatives that things need to change. Please note that if given the chance, Americans will change things. Remember, true Americans are a defiant bunch, and that's how and why we're a great nation.

Just think, we're not going to have to worry about illegal immigrants coming in and "taking jobs away" from those citizens who live here because American based companies are taking the jobs to them. Maybe, we as American citizens can migrate to the manufacturing jobs that you have taken just across the border. But wait, we can't work in their countries, it's illegal.

This is my country, this is my home. My bloodline fought and died for its ideals and its dreams, I get the feeling many of yours may have as well....or have recently come here in search of the opportunities its foundation can offer. However now, it seems that those same ideals and dreams are being forgotten and no one cares about investing in their home anymore.

This is just a simple request from a proud American. Please consider your country and your home when making business decisions. And please don't sell out your own country for a profit that will only last your lifetime. And if this matters to you, ask yourself, "What type of country will my family be left with when there's no industry here to support its superpower?"

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Marrige Debate.... Again?



The United States Constitution

Most people opposed to gay marriage do so because they view marriage as a religious union.

What does our constitution say?

Bill of Rights

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Oh yeah, and...

Amendment XIV

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Last time I checked, homos that are born or naturalized in these United States are still citizens.

Seems pretty simple to me, so whats the problem?

Now if Civil Unions held the exact same rights as a marriage certificate, I wouldn't matter what you called it. "Religies" can keep the word Marriage. "The gays" can keep the word Union, and we'll call it a day.

Besides...we've seen how well "separate but equal" worked out.


About Me

West Coast, United States
Sometimes, sharing my thoughts prevents my head from exploding..